I use products to straighten my hair and it comes out pin straight. but in a few hrs its already has body and is no longer straight like i want it. my hair's naturally wavy, pretty thick. any ideas to help?
A little hair straightening difficulty?
Use a chi iron. My wife complained of the same thing and now swears by the chi. Her hair can get very frizzy and wavy, but if she uses the chi one morning, she will wake up the next day and it is still straight. All she has to do is brush it and it looks as if she just fixed it again.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
you should get a rly good straightener. it should go to about 400 degrees. it usually doesnt poof if u that. my hair is the same exact way and i just use a rly good straightener. hope i helped.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
When it is completely dry, go over it with a ceramic straightening iron. That should hold it in.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
try using loreal's hotline cream and then straightening your hair. that's what i do cause my hair's black and really thick cause i'm south asian. hope i helped.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
use bed head hair control syrum.
hope i helped :D
A little hair straightening difficulty?
try 8 n 1 oil at walmart in the hair aisle. it costs about four dollars and a little goes a long way
A little hair straightening difficulty?
Don't use the products to starighten your hair. I've tried them and it actually helps makes your hair become vulnerable to becoming wavy again. My best advice is to use a heat protection spray. And when your done straightening your hair, then use Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Serum. It helps tame frizzes and helps make it nice and shiny. And I think that you should get your hair thinned out. Not layered, but thinned. It is very easy. You can even do it yourself with a certain scissors for lightening hair. But, I prefer you go to a professional for your thinning. Good luck!
A little hair straightening difficulty?
use a straighting iron my daughter uses one an it does great
A little hair straightening difficulty?
to tell u the truth i dont use a straightening iron.... i use a clothes iron.... what i do is that i apply a straightening cream and then i straighten it like normal.... but it is quite difficult to get it straight from the root.... but at the end its worth while.... i have medium long wavy hair and when i straighten it, it lastes a long time... hope it helps...
A little hair straightening difficulty?
i have really straight hair but one day my hair was wet and i went outside and i was out with the sun on my head until it was dry and that day my hair was extra straight.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
try spraying hair spray on the section of the hair that you are about to straighten. and then when you are done, lightly spray you entire head one more time. you can brush it so it doesn't get clumpy.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
OK i have the same problem all you have to do is put a little bit of soft hold hair spray in it and i also have this amazing stuff you can put in your hair it is called frizz ease secret weapon it is a finishing cream bye john frieda it will keep your hair perfect for ever but you only need a little bit like the size or an advil rub it together and start at the bottem and work to the top or it WILL look greasy or you can use
in(fus)ium (friss)olofie it is step three it will keep your hair shiny and straigh forever and the best part is you can put it in when your hair is wet or dry it will not make you hair look greasy because it isnt a cream this works amazing you can buy all this stuff at any drug store so it willnot break the bank
it is also a good idea to invest in a really good straightner i use solia you can find it online. i love it. it is light weight and heats up in 15 seconds flat. i think it is like 86 dollars im not really sure
good luck i hope your hair turns out great
A little hair straightening difficulty?
I also have the same type of hair, instead of wavy mine is very curly....I bought one of the best flat irons from sally's beauty supply store for about $70.00 and that was the best investment I did for my hair...this flat iron went up 410 degrees and there was one downside to it...in the back of my hair stayed straight...SO YOU REALLY HAVE TO FIND THE BEST SETTING FOR YOUR HAIR TYPE!!!!
A little hair straightening difficulty?
Get a GHD Straighter, they tha ****.
A little hair straightening difficulty?
A little hair straightening difficulty?
my hair is exaclty like yours and it straightens like a dream!!
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