Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hair straightening problem?

Hi I am a white male and my natural hair is so appallingly crap I tend to straighten it quite often. The problem I have is that my hair is the driest, and I mean driest most random hair ever, its almost afro and its so hard to tame. When I straighten it, it wont move from that position at all, It has no flexibility whatsoever which makes it very difficult to style!

How do people straighten their hair so that it has some natural bounce? I see lots of people that straighten their hair and it is dead straight but still flexible, if I straighten my hair straight out, thats where it will stay, very annoying! I have to flick and curl with my flat iron to get it to sit where I want.

Any help?


Hair straightening problem?

I've had a similar problem and blowing dry was no help. My hair was still frizzy and fly away and didn't stay straight. I've also tried the regular straighters from walmart, target, etc .

It wasn't until I went to a stylist a couple years ago, who used a Chi flat iron on my hair. I was in AWE. My hair was shiny and stick straight until I washed it the next took the moisture out and locked it out. It heats up to 400 degrees to make it straight, but is protected by ceramic to protect your hair. Sadly, they don't sell these irons in stores since you need a business license for them - but I found them on ebay!

a Hai iron is the same as a Chi,

I have a guy friend who's half black/half asian, and had VERY FRIZZY hair all I've known him. I yanked him into my room one day during a party, ran the straightener through his hair, and all night he kept saying, "I just can't believe this is my hair!"

I'm telling you this thing is the answer. Not a regular straightener. Not hair drying. You need a Chi or a Hai iron.

Hair straightening problem?

It is hard to give you any advice because I am unable to grasp the true texture of your hair. Go to a stylist and ask what they recommend. A stylist should be able to give you a product or method to fix your hair that will give you the look you desire.

Hair straightening problem?

Hi David

I suggest you try a different shampoo maybe that will help with your dirty Afro!!!

for the straiting maybe its time to get a new hair straiten

Hair straightening problem?

have you tried blowdrying it straight instead of using a straightner? I use a round ceramic brush and blow dryer while my hair is wet after the shower. It straightens it but still leaves me volume and natural bounce.

Hair straightening problem?

You could get your hair permanently straightened, but let me tell you, that means killing your hair if you are that desperate(not being mean if it sounds like that!)

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