Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hair straightening questionn please?

ok, so i have this ceramic hair straightener i bought at walmart for like $17. It straightens my hair pretty well, but not perfectlly, because after, say, a half hour or so, it gets a little curly at the ends, and it REALLY annoys me, because i want PIN STRAIGHT hair. I have been looking through previous questions that have been asked about hair straighteners, and i have realized that many people recommended the CHI hair straightener. I wanted to know, if anybody has this hair straightener, and thinks it could make my hair stop from curling after a little while, and if it could make my hair pin straight, the way i have always wanted it? please, i would really appreciate it.

Hair straightening questionn please?

i have CHI and i like it. you could try it, it's not that expensive and see for yourself.

Hair straightening questionn please?

mine does that to. somedays it does stay straight but others it don't.

Hair straightening questionn please?

You gotta' put stuff in your hair first before straightening. Then it'll stay.

Hair straightening questionn please?

unfortuatley, as in make up, you have to reapply through-out the day. Some last longer than others but they are much more expensive. If you do not have oily hair try a straightening hair product as well like Bed Head or something :) good luck!

Hair straightening questionn please?

Well i dont have a CHI but my friend does and i love it!! It made my thick curly hair so straight and it stayed straight after a long hot night. They are really good.

Hair straightening questionn please?

GHD's only! expensive but necessary

Hair straightening questionn please?

Yes, the CHI hair straightner is AWESOME! i have naturally ringlet, curly hair. I use my CHI eveyr morning, to get the pin striaght look, and it lasts all day, i defiently recommend investing in one,

Hair straightening questionn please?

I have one of these straightners!!! thay worK great!!! i have really curly hair and it is worth the money you pay for it!!! my old straightener takes me lyke 45 minutes to do my hair... now it only takes at the most 20 minutes!!!

Hair straightening questionn please?

Yuko system by Phiten. Your hair will be pin straight. It's expensive and takes time, 7-8 hours, but for at least 4 months your hair will be straight.

Hair straightening questionn please?

never heard of that product or used it but i have straight straight hair and got a perm yrs ago. so wheneever i wanted my straight hair i would iron it and it never curled up on me

Hair straightening questionn please?

well what you want to do is tell the people at walmart that it is broken and they will give you a new one cause thats what happend to my cousin also.

Hair straightening questionn please?

some of my friends use a clothes iron and it does a good job on their hair!

Hair straightening questionn please?

along with the straightner use straighteninn balm,mousse,spray or cream. john freida products r great

Hair straightening questionn please?

have you tried any of the sprays you can get to help keep your hair straigh. try a bit of hair serum after u straighten it, it keeps it from goin fuzzy but it may also help your problem

Hair straightening questionn please?

my hair does the same thing. it really sucks.

Hair straightening questionn please?

Are you using some kind of smoothing product with the flat iron? Try Sleek Smoothing Serum or Iron Smoother, and Locking Spray. Actually the whole system will help tremendously. Shampoo, Conditioner, Serum, Iron Smoother, and Locking Spray. For hair that's a bit more resistant like yours seems to be, it's best to use a system with the iron.

Hair straightening questionn please?

yes a CHI is the best kind you can buy you can get em' at JCPenny Salons. Beware!- they are REALLY expensive like $200 but they last for like 10 years

Hair straightening questionn please?

I have a Chi ceramic and it is incredible. It transforms your hair to silk and even if you are in a rainy weather, your hair does not get frizzy. It is expensive, but it is worth it. Try to buy it from ebay, but get it from a seller that gives you a seller's warranty. As you may be aware, Chi does not give warranty if you buy on line, but I know that some ebay sellers give seller's warranties-

Hair straightening questionn please?

Sorry to tell you this, but you get what you pay for. I use the HOTTOOLS flat iron. It's black and purple and it has 10 temp settings on it. You can get it from Sally's beauty supply or an exclusive beauty supply where you have to be licensed to get in. If you buy a flat iron with temp settings on it, you are able to make it hotter to straighten your hair better. That doesn't mean put it on the highest because your hair is curly. You can still cause a lot of damage. When it's hot, you can go over your hair 1 time without having to go over it 2 and 3 times because your other iron isn't hot enough. I hope your understanding this, because it's kinda hard to explain. Don't straighten your hair everyday. It's best not to wash your hair in the morning, then blow dry it, and then flat iron it. Try and wash your hair at night and then flat iron it in the morning so you can let it air dry. Try and keep the uneccessary heat off. Don't blow dry or flat iron if you don't have to. The CHI is a good iron, but there are other ones that can be just as good, but without paying all the money for it. Good Luck, hope this helps.

Hair straightening questionn please?

Sometimes its your hair not the straightners (no offenece meant :P) but my hair sometimes doesnt stay straight either, dont worry bout it, no ones does! :)

Hair straightening questionn please?

i have the CHI straightner and it rocks!! i love it!! it leaves your hair straight and smooth. you should definately use it!!

Hair straightening questionn please?

Your hair curling up has nothing to do with the straightener. If your hair is as straight as you want it when you are finished, then it's the weather or the moisture in the air.

Check out some of the products that are out there to keep your hair from curling up.

Hair straightening questionn please?

The chi straightener is really good you should try it its expensive its worth it and i have really curly hair and it's thick!! so yeah if i were you i would try it!! it works on me!! it also depends on the humidity if its hot my hair does get a little bit curly when its hot!! and also your head sweats so that also may do to having some parts of your hair become curly!!

Hair straightening questionn please?

It might not be the hair might be your hair. is your hair naturally curly or do you have a perm. and also do you live in a very humid area...these can all play a role in why your hair will not stay straight. and also you might have hair that just reaches your shoulders and that makes the hair have a natuaral bend in it. like it curves with the neck and shoulders.

Hair straightening questionn please?

Yes I have the hair straightener. It works well. I use a product from Got 2 B for use on dry hair before you straighten it and it usually keeps it straighter then if I don't use anything.

Hair straightening questionn please?

Get a good straightener from Salley's beauty supply and use a heat protector before and an anti-frizz serum after.

Hair straightening questionn please?

One thing that most people forget to do is to put a straightening agent in the hair before blow drying and/or straightening. Try power straight by Straight Sexy Hair Concepts. Using something that has a silicon base helps to protect the hair from moisture that is making it curl. Also, try using a straightening shampoo and conditioner.

Hair straightening questionn please?

has it gotten wet at all durring that time? sweat anything? that might be the problem... too humid maybe? maybe check how hot your iron gets. make it hotter?

Hair straightening questionn please?

Mine doesn't work either. Get a home perm kit and comb it out straight. Pem kits you have to scrunch to get them to work. This comb out as straight as you can. Then put some straightner gel on top of it. It makes my hair straight.

Hair straightening questionn please?

Garnier Sleek and Shine Sampoo and Conditioner and Leave In Treatment. All of these you can also find at Walmart.

Hair straightening questionn please?

The CHI is the best. You don't mention where you live, but I am guessing that wherever it is you have humidity. That would cause your hair to revert back to curling.

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